- exactly
- 1. adv точно
let it be exactly weighed — надо это точно взвесить
to be exactly the same height — быть точно такой же высоты
to put it more exactly — точнее говоря
2. adv как раз, именноshe does exactly what she likes — она делает только то, что ей хочется
3. adv разг. да, совершенно верно; вот именноdo you mean I can go? — Exactly! — значит я могу уйти? — Ну конечно!
exactly alike — совершенно одинаковый
4. adv совсем, полностьюnot exactly — не совсем так
Синонимический ряд:1. absolutely (adj.) absolutely; entirely; strictly2. certainly (adj.) certainly; definitely; indeed3. correctly (adj.) correctly; precisely; specifically4. accurately (other) accurately; bang on (British, colloquial); just right; on the button (colloquial); on the dot; on the nail (colloquial); on the nose (US, colloquial)5. all (other) all; all in all; altogether; in toto; purely; quite; stick; totally; utterly; wholly6. even (other) as well; even; expressly; yes7. just (other) bang; just; plumb; right; sharp; spang; square; squarely; strictly speaking; to a T8. meticulously (other) carefully; conscientiously; meticulously; painstakingly; punctiliously; scrupulously9. precisely (other) correctly; in detail; particularly; precisely; specifically; strictly; truly; unequivocallyАнтонимический ряд:approximately; somewhat
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.